You might not ever realize just how important it is to have your garage door serviced annually unless you’ve experienced an incident. You don’t have to experience an incident before recognizing the need to have your door serviced annually. In some cases, it might be necessary to have your garage door serviced more often due to the amount of use that it may receive. If you live in a household with more than one driver, it is obvious that the garage is being used frequently. Great attention should be given to the condition of your garage door if you want to maintain the condition of your garage door. It doesn’t matter if your door is automatic or manual, you’ll need to make sure the rollers and tracks are in good condition in order for them to continue working properly. With continued use of the garage, it eventually begins to wear on the tracks. This means they need to be lubricated frequently and the tracks need to be aligned. If this isn’t performed regularly, it will cause the door to begin dragging. Once this occurs, it will be more difficult for you to open and close your garage door. You can prevent this from occurring simply by having your tracks and rollers serviced annually.
In between your annual checkup, you can inspect the tracks and rollers yourself. Simply remove your car from inside the garage since it could make it challenging to get to the rollers and tracks of your garage. Inspect them with the garage door closed. You’ll need to examine all of the rollers and if any appear worn, they will need to be replaced in order for your door to continue functioning smoothly. You can use a toothbrush to dislodge debris and grease buildup by brushing around unsealed bearings of the rollers. Once you’ve cleaned them, spray them with a silicone spray oil. You don’t need to lubricate the bearings if the rollers are nylon and have sealed bearings. It will be most helpful to simply spray the lubricant around the rollers. If this is something that seems too detailed for you, you can always rely on one of our service technicians at Garage Door Repair Commerce City to handle the job for you. They know exactly where and how to handle the job of inspecting and lubricating your rollers. They also know and understand the safety precautions that need to be taken in order to remain safe while cleaning the rollers and tracks of your garage door.
Another job that you might allow us to handle for you is the inspection of your nuts and bolts that stabilize the doors roller hinges and its track mounting brackets. We’ll need to secure any loose parts that we identify and replace any worn or rusted nuts and bolts.
You’ll need to have the tracks cleaned also. You can use a toothbrush like you used to clean the rollers. The toothbrush is also used for the same purpose; clean and dislodge any debris and grease buildup. A delicate cleaner should then be applied to the tracks and wiped clean to remove any remaining debris. The proper alignment of horizontal tracks should also be considered. A level should be placed along the top of the tracks to in order to make sure they are properly aligned. The track should have a slight slant that extends from the door entry to the back of the garage. The tracks should also hang at the same distance from your garage ceiling. When adjustments are needed, the bolts will be loosened and the track will be taped back into its position. Once this has been completed, the bolts will be tightened once again. Your vertical tracks will also need to be inspected and adjusted is they are out of alignment. Again, this is a job that can be handled by a professional service technician. In fact, if you want to ensure that the job is done right it is likely in your best interest and that of your family, to allow a qualified garage door service technician to handle the maintenance of your tracks and rollers.
We are aware of the desire to save a buck or two but the end result is often less than ideal. In our experience, we often find that when people attempt to handle this on their own, the often overlook something and therefore they end up spending far more money than they initially intended on spending. There are lots of moving parts and components that accompany your garage door. In order to know where they all fit in and how they all operate, you’ll need to know where they are and when they are in need of some attention. Rather than continuing to use your garage, without ever giving consideration to the condition of your door, do yourself a favor and have regular routine maintenance performed on your garage door. With routine maintenance, you’re rollers and tracks will be evaluated and properly maintained. This helps minimize your exposure to any incidents from occurring.
We do not expect most people to know much about the functionality of their garage door but it does at least help to know what type of parts are used to hold the door in place and how these parts enable you to continue to safely go on using your garage, day after day. This is important because you are at least able to make visual inspections of specific parts of your garage. Whenever these parts, such as your rollers and tracks, appear to be misaligned or worn; you can notify us to make the necessary repairs. The sooner you address the problem, the less expensive the problem will be. The longer you go on using the garage in despair, the more costly the job to repair the tracks and rollers will become. Save yourself time and frustration by having the rollers and tracks repaired as quickly as possible.
Article source here: Maintaining Your Garage Door Track and Rollers
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